logo_concorso_196x110 “The youngest part of Italy raises hands for human rights”


The 15th edition of “Voci per la liberta’ Una canzone per Amnesty” (Voices for freedom, a song for Amnesty) will take place in Rosolina Mare (Rovigo) from the 19th to the 22nd of July 2012. Since this festival was created in 1998 it had its roots in the area of the Delta del Po, a fertile earth where life and its traditions are strongly related to its Great River. From July 2012 the event will animate Rosolina throughout 4 days of concerts, in which we will hand out the Amnesty prize for emerging groups. The prize will be given to the song which will be more effective in dealing with the issue of human rights and the Award of Amnesty Italy at big that, with their song have been the best spokesmen for the universal Declaration of human Rights in 2011. This new location corresponds to a revival of the festival: Rosolina knows how is the best way to accomodate people of the music scene, offering many initiatives and comfortable accomodation and for those who chose to relax on our beaches like in Albarella, immersed in nature are also ideal for a relaxing holiday.


“Voci per la Libertà Una Canzone per Amnesty” is promoted from:


the Cultural Association Voci per la Libertà, Amnesty International – Italian Section,
Youth Recreation Centre, City of Rosolina, City of Villadose, authoroty of Veneto Delta and Park of Po area,
province of Rovigo, Veneto Region



Voci Per La Libertà – Una canzone per Amnesty is sponsored by the Cultural Association from Voci della liberta’ and the Italian section of Amnesty International, founded in 1998 during the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with the intention to spread the principles of the Declaration through music and art that convey the basic human values such as respect and tolerance.


This music contest will be divided into two parts:

the Amnesty Emerging Award for new groups or single singers, with a song centered on the respect of human rights, and the Amnesty Italy Award for songs played by big that were published the past year and were effective in promoting the content of the Declaration.

During the previous editions, this event has achieved a strong national relevance (links and services on Rai Uno, Radio 1, TG3, TGR, Isoradio, and in magazines such as Famiglia Christiana, TV Sorrisi e Canzoni and as well in specialised ones such as MTV, Il Mucchio, Rockit and Jam) thanks to its quality and originality of this unique artistic festival.


Many were the artists of national reputation that partecipate at this festival, to name a few: Ivano Fossati, Modena City Ramblers, Paola Turci, Samuele Bersani, Marlene Kuntz, Mauro Ermanno Giovanardi, Bandabardò, Cristina Donà, Morgan, Francesco Baccini, Cristiano De Andrè, Africa Unite, Roy Paci, Gianmaria Testa, Subsonica, Carmen Consoli, Simone Cristicchi.


With this 15th edition the festival aims to confirm itselve on national level as one of the highlights of the promotion of human rights in music, in this prestigious location such as Rosolina with a strong impact of tourism. We want to remind everybody who will attend that all men and women possess inalienable rights and to spread them over through music. Combine your voice with more than 2 milion people who daily defend and promote human rights worldwide. Please help to spread this positive message of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights!

The appointment will be in July from the 19th to the 22nd in Rosolina Mare (RO)


For further information on the festival, the competition or the programme, pls contact: Associazione Culturale Voci per la Libertà

Via Paganini, 16 – 45010 Villadose (RO)

Tel/Fax +39 0425 405562

email: info@vociperlaliberta.it – elisa@glitterandsoul.com





Land of dreamy landscapes, in the province of Rovigo, called Polesine, is waiting to be discovered: a whole territory with a surprising nature, combined to a rich culture that offers villages and cities to be discovered, museum to be visited, traditions to live, gastronomy to be tried and enjoy the warmth of its people, which makes the stay even more comfortable. Rivers, scenic countryside with an extraordinary flora and fauna suggest you to live like it: relaxed!


In the northern part of the region Veneto you find the Park of the Delta del Po and Rosolina, a touristy place in the province of Rovigo that reaches until the long sandy beaches of Albarella, immersed in a wild nature, which makes it an ideal destination for a relaxing holiday. Unique and charming where rivers flow from north soutward into the Adriatic sea. This is why it has a very rich fauna and flora, wine yards, land cultivation and unique products like the “radicchio”.


Rosolina is the “pearl” of the River Po Delta Park: a peninsula about 8km long and surrounded by the typical valleys of the Adriatic Sea, mostly covered by dense pine forests. The sea invites to long and pleasant swims and the beach is a vast expanse of golden sands and extremely clean. (in 2011 it was awarded with the price of “3 sails” from the Legambiente and in the Blue Guide of Touring Club). Here you will find a vast amount of facilities that meet the different needs of visitants: hotels, campsites, holiday villages, resorts, apartmet complexes, swimming pools, tennis courts, shops, restaurants and many others.


A different mixture of amenities which attracts italian and foreign tourism looking for a beautiful natural paradise, a variety of landscapes which makes your stay pleasant and memorable.

Experience the ecitement of the festival in July from the 19th to the 22nd and the beauty of this area!


Tourist information:


Viale dei Pini, 14 – 45010 Rosolina (RO)

Tel. +39 0426 326020 – 68012

Fax +39 0426 326007

email: iat.rosolina@provincia.rovigo.it

